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Professional pilot

What is a professional pilot major?

A program in professional piloting prepares individuals to utilize technical knowledge and skills to the flying and/or navigation of commercial passenger and cargo, agricultural, public service, corporate and rescue fixed wing aircraft. Course topics include principles of aircraft design and performance, aircraft flight systems and controls, flight crew operations and procedures, radio communications, navigation procedures and systems, airways safety and traffic regulations, and governmental rules and regulations pertaining to piloting aircraft. Programs may qualify individuals to sit for the FAA commercial and airline aircrew examinations.

How much do professional pilot majors make?

This data isn't currently reported, but we're working on it!

How popular is professional pilot as a major?

Each year, around 750 students obtain a bachelor’s degree and around 620 students obtain an associate degree in professional pilot. In 2021, 742 students received a bachelor's degree and 743 students received an associate degree. This is 16% more professional pilot majors than there were in 2020. Professional pilot is a relatively popular major compared to other trades and personal services majors.

Advice from professional pilot majors

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