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Physiological psychology

What is a physiological psychology major?

A curriculum in which one studies the biological bases of psychological functioning, and their application to experimental and therapeutic research problems. Class topics include functional neuroanatomy, neural system development, biochemical neural regulatory mechanisms, neurological biophysics, memory storage and retrieval, physiology of cognition and perception, physiological bases of psychopathology and behavioral disorders, psychopharmacology, comparative psychobiology, and specialized experimental design and research methods.

How much do physiological psychology majors make?

This data isn't currently reported, but we're working on it!

How popular is physiological psychology as a major?

Each year, around 1,260 students obtain a bachelor’s degree in physiological psychology. In 2021, 1,326 students received a bachelor's degree. This is 3% more physiological psychology majors than there were in 2020. Physiological psychology is a relatively popular major compared to other psychology majors.

Advice from physiological psychology majors

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