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What is an aquaculture major?

Aquaculture studies concentrate on the selection, culture, propagation, harvest and marketing of domesticated fish, shellfish and marine plants, both freshwater and saltwater. Course topics include the basic principles of aquatic and marine biology, health and nutrition of aquatic and marine life, design and operation of fish farms, breeding facilities, culture beds, and related enterprises, and related issues of safety, applicable regulations, logistics, and supply.

How much do aquaculture majors make?

This data isn't currently reported, but we're working on it!

How popular is aquaculture as a major?

Each year, around 55 students obtain a bachelor’s degree and around 15 students obtain an associate degree in aquaculture. In 2021, 53 students received a bachelor's degree and 18 students received an associate degree. This is 8% more aquaculture majors than there were in 2020. Aquaculture is a relatively uncommon major within agricultural sciences.

Advice from aquaculture majors

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