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Aeronautics and aviation technology

What is an aeronautics and aviation technology major?

A path that focuses on the overall study of aviation through the study of the physical factors surrounding flight. Includes instruction in flight technology, the science occupied with the design and manufacturing of flight-capable machines.

How much do aeronautics and aviation technology majors make?

This data isn't currently reported, but we're working on it!

How popular is aeronautics and aviation technology as a major?

Each year, around 2,830 students obtain a bachelor’s degree and around 470 students obtain an associate degree in aeronautics and aviation technology. In 2021, 3,710 students received a bachelor's degree and 585 students received an associate degree. This is 17% more aeronautics and aviation technology majors than there were in 2020. Aeronautics and aviation technology is one of the most popular majors within trades and personal services.

Advice from aeronautics and aviation technology majors

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